
This is the 777th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "stofnana" means "of institutions" (genitive plural of "stofnun").

The word 'stofnana' here is used in the genitive plural form to denote ownership or association with 'stofnanir', meaning 'institutions'.

Þeir settu fram tillögur sem tóku tillit til öryggis stofnana.

They presented proposals that considered the security of institutions.

Here, 'stofnana' is again in the genitive plural, referring to the types associated with institutions.

Tryggingar eiga að ná yfir allar tegundir stofnana.

The insurances should cover all types of institutions.

In this sentence, 'stofnana' is used in the genitive plural to indicate that the representatives belong to various institutions.

Á fundinum voru viðverandi fulltrúar ýmissa stofnana.

Present at the meeting were representatives of various institutions.