
This is the 712th most frequent Icelandic word.

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In this sentence, 'svari' is in the dative case, indicating it as the object of 'gaf,' which means 'gave.'

Hann gaf ekki svari við spurningunni.

He did not give an answer to the question.

Here, 'svarið' is in the nominative case with a definite article, indicating it as the subject of the sentence.

Svarið var augljóst eftir umhugsun.

The answer was obvious after reflection.

In this example, 'svari' is used in the plural genitive case, denoting possession or association with 'öll hugsanleg,' referring to all conceivable answers.

Við fórum yfir öll hugsanleg svari.

We went over all possible answers.