
This is the 713th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Likewise" or "the same to you."

Here, 'sömuleiðis' denotes an equivalent response in return for an action or statement.

Hann sagði mér góðar fréttir og ég þakkaði sömuleiðis.

He told me good news, and I thanked him likewise.

Here, 'sömuleiðis' suggests that the quality applied to one day extends in a similar manner to another mentioned day.

Ég óska þér góðs dags og vona að hinn dagurinn verði góður sömuleiðis.

I wish you a good day and hope the other day will be likewise good.

In this sentence, 'sömuleiðis' conveys that the teacher shared a similar state or feeling as indicated earlier in the sentence.

Nemendur kláruðu verkefnin og kennarinn var ánægður sömuleiðis.

The students completed the assignments, and the teacher was likewise pleased.