
This is the 132nd most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "tekin" means "taken" in English.

'Tekin' is used as the past participle of 'að taka' (to take), indicating possession or inclusion.

Hún er tekin með öllum nauðsynlegum skjölum í ferðinni.

She is taken with all the necessary documents on the trip.

'Tekin' here describes the state of the book being taken, illustrating action completed in the past affecting the present situation.

Bókin er tekin út úr safninu til skoðunar.

The book is taken out of the library for review.

'Tekinn,' as the masculine form of the past participle, refers to the subject being apprehended or brought into custody.

Hann var fljótur að verða tekinn af lögreglunni eftir atvikið.

He was quickly taken by the police after the incident.