
This is the 349th most frequent Icelandic word.

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Here, 'tekjur' refers to the revenues or income accrued by a company over the span of a year, specifying economic inflow.

Árstekjur fyrirtækisins jukust um 10% í fyrra.

The company's annual revenues increased by 10% last year.

In this sentence, 'tekjur' is used to denote the monetary earnings or income that individuals receive, typically through their employment.

Tekjur einstaklinga ráðast oft af störfum þeirra.

The income of individuals often depends on their jobs.

In this context, 'tekjur' signifies the state's income, generally coming from taxes or other public sources of revenue.

Ríkisútgjöld þurfa að stemma við tekjur ríkisins.

Government expenditures need to align with the state's income.