
This is the 552nd most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "tími" means "time" or "class/lesson."

The word 'tími' refers to a quantity of time or duration available to do something.

Ég hef ekki nægan tíma til að ljúka þessu.

I do not have enough time to complete this.

The word 'tími' refers to a specific point in time when an event is meant to happen.

Hann er alltaf stundvís og kemur á réttum tíma.

He is always punctual and arrives on time.

The word 'tími' refers to a scheduled period or session, such as a class term.

Við kennum íslensku í bekknum á hverjum tíma.

We teach Icelandic in the classroom at each session.