This is the 257th most frequent Icelandic word.
The Icelandic word "tímum" means "lessons" or "classes" in English, or "times" in certain contexts, as the dative plural form of "tími."
In this sentence, 'tímum' indicates the 'classes' or 'lessons' happening at the school, showing its use in an educational context.
Við erum í skólans tímum núna.
We are in the school's classes now.
Here, 'tímum' refers to 'times' as in specific periods or eras, showcasing its temporal usage.
Á þessum tímum er mikilvægt að fylgjast með.
In these times, it is important to stay vigilant.
In this example, 'tímum' is used to mean 'times' in the sense of specific points during the day, relating to schedules.