
This is the 267th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "verkefnið" translates to "the project" or "the task" in English.

In this sentence, 'verkefnið' refers to 'the project,' representing a planned task or assignment.

Verkefnið okkar snýst um umhverfisvernd.

Our project is about environmental protection.

Here, 'verkefnið' indicates a specific task or assignment that has been worked on and completed.

Ég hef lokið við verkefnið sem var heimavinna.

I have completed the project which was homework.

In this context, 'verkefnið' points to an ongoing or discussed project that is the central subject of conversation.

Hún spurði um verkefnið og hvernig við værum að vinna að því.

She asked about the project and how we were working on it.