
This is the 350th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Verkefnum" means "tasks" or "projects" in English.

The word 'verkefnum' is in dative plural form and refers to tasks or assignments that the subject is working on.

Ég vinn oft að krefjandi verkefnum.

I often work on challenging tasks.

In this example, 'verkefnum' are projects being discussed, emphasizing the variety of uses the word can have in Icelandic.

Stjórnin ræddi um verkefnum sem tengjast þróun nýrrar stefnu.

The board discussed projects related to the development of a new policy.

Here 'verkefnum' is also in dative plural form, referring to the tasks assigned within a given context.

Nemandinn kláraði verkefnum sem voru gefin fyrir helgina.

The student completed tasks that were assigned for the weekend.