
This is the 555th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "árunum" means "the years" (in the dative plural form).

"Á árunum" refers to a period of years following a specific event or timeframe mentioned.

Á árunum eftir lok seinni heimsstyrjaldarinnar var mikill efnahagsleg vöxtur.

In the years following the end of World War II, there was significant economic growth.

"Á fyrri árunum" specifies events happening during the earlier years of a given timeframe.

Bókin fjallar um líf fólksins í sveitum Íslands á fyrri árunum.

The book talks about the life of the people in rural Iceland during the earlier years.

Here, "á árunum" signals the years immediately succeeding the founding of the mentioned establishment.

Á árunum eftir stofnun fyrirtækisins jókst framleiðslan ár frá ári.

In the years following the establishment of the company, production increased year by year.