
This is the 654th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "íbúum" means "inhabitants" or "residents" in the dative plural form.

The word 'íbúum' is in the dative plural form, referring to residents of Reykjavik.

Íbúum Reykjavíkur líkar vel nýi garðurinn.

The residents of Reykjavik like the new park.

Here, 'íbúum' is also in the dative plural form, showing the recipients (the residents) of the benefits.

Sjúkrahúsið tilkynnti breytingar sem munu gagnast öllum íbúum.

The hospital announced changes that will benefit all the residents.

In this sentence, 'íbúum' is in the dative plural form, indicating the indirect object (to the residents).

Bæjarstjórinn afhenti íbúum þakklætisvott.

The mayor gave a token of gratitude to the residents.