
This is the 523rd most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Íbúðir" means "apartments" or "residences" in English.

In this sentence, "íbúðir" refers to newly constructed apartments, demonstrating its usage as the plural form of "íbúð" (apartment).

Nýjar íbúðir eru byggðar í miðbænum.

New apartments are being built in the downtown area.

Here, "íbúðir" refers to various individual apartments that were inspected, illustrating its practical application when discussing multiple apartment units.

Við skoðuðum nokkrar ólíkar íbúðir í gær.

We viewed several different apartments yesterday.

In this case, "íbúðir" represents apartments as a general category, emphasizing the collective appeal of apartments in a specific location.

Íbúðir á þessu svæði eru mjög eftirsóttar.

The apartments in this area are highly sought after.