
This is the 952nd most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Ólafsson" means "son of Ólafur" in Icelandic.

Here, 'Ólafsson' is used as a patronymic name, indicating 'son of Ólafur', following the common Icelandic naming tradition.

Hann heitir Sturla Ólafsson.

His name is Sturla Ólafsson.

Here, 'Ólafsson' is used as the last name of the author, distinguishing identity in a literary context.

Ég las bók eftir Ólaf Ólafsson.

I read a book by Ólaf Ólafsson.

In this example, 'Ólafsson' is used as a familiar reference to a male acquaintance in a cultural context, emphasizing a more informal relationship.

Ólafsson var góður vinur mínn í menntaskóla.

Ólafsson was a good friend of mine in high school.