
This is the 320th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "ýmsum" means "various" or "different" in English.

In this sentence, 'ýmsum' is used to describe different 'stöðum' (places), serving as an adjective in its dative plural form, suggesting a variety of places visited.

Við heimsóttum ýmsum stöðum á ferðalagi okkar.

We visited various places on our trip.

In this case, 'ýmsum' functions as an adjective in the dative plural form, describing 'upplýsingum' (pieces of information), and it means a diverse collection of exchanged information.

Þeir skiptast á ýmsum upplýsingum til að bæta vinnuna.

They exchange various pieces of information to improve the work.

Here, 'ýmsum' is utilized as an adjective in the dative plural form, modifying 'hugmyndum' (ideas), and it implies a variety of ideas.

Hún var hrifin af ýmsum hugmyndum sem voru kynntar.

She was impressed by various ideas that were presented.