
This is the 465th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "þjónusta" means "service" in English.

In this sentence, 'þjónusta' refers to a service provided, such as in a business setting, demonstrating its noun form to describe an action or assistance given.

Viðskiptavinirnir voru ánægðir með þjónustuna.

The customers were satisfied with the service.

Here, 'þjónusta' is used within a compound structure, specifying the sector or department dealing with customers, again functioning as a noun.

Hún vinnur í þjónustu við viðskiptavini.

She works in customer service.

In this example, 'þjónusta' is described in the context of quality service provided, yet again in its noun form, emphasizing the significance of its quality.

Það er nauðsynlegt að bjóða góða þjónustu.

It is essential to offer good service.