
This is the 337th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Þrjár" means "three" (feminine form) in English.

Here, 'þrjár' is used as the feminine nominative plural form to quantify the feminine noun 'bækur' (books).

Ég keypti þrjár bækur í gær.

I bought three books yesterday.

Here, 'þrjár' reflects the counting of 'stjörnur' (stars), a feminine plural noun.

Hún sér þrjár stjörnur á himninum.

She sees three stars in the sky.

Here, 'þrjár' is used to quantify the feminine plural noun 'vinkonur' (female friends).

Við hittum þrjár vinkonur á kaffihúsinu.

We met three female friends at the café.