
This is the 724th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Þykir" means "is considered" or "is found" (impersonal, expressing opinion or feeling).

Here, 'þykir' is used in an interrogative form to inquire about someone's opinion or feelings towards books.

Þykir þú virkilega gaman af þessum bókum?

Do you really enjoy these books?

In this sentence, 'þykir' is used to express an opinion or judgement about something being considered or deemed inappropriate.

Það þykir óviðeigandi að koma seint í veisluna.

It is considered inappropriate to arrive late to the party.

Here, 'þykir' is used as an impersonal verb to express feelings, specifically caring or affection.

Mér þykir vænt um hana.

I care for her.