
This is the 875th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "þætti" can mean "episode," "segment," or "part," depending on context.

Usage of 'þætti' in a conditional mood, passive voice, implying personal consideration.

Ég myndi koma ef ég þætti hafa nægan tíma.

I would come if I considered I had enough time.

Use of 'þætti' as a subjunctive mood to express likelihood or slight possibility.

Þú þætti hræddur við að reyna.

You might feel scared to try.

Usage of 'þætti' as a conditional mode to frame a hypothetical consideration.

Ef þetta þætti óviðeigandi, vinsamlegast láttu mig vita.

If this would be considered inappropriate, please let me know.