
This is the 796th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Þótti" means "was considered" or "was regarded" in English.

The word 'þótti' is used here to express the idea of being perceived or regarded in a certain way by others.

Hún þótti mjög skemmtileg.

She was considered very entertaining.

The word 'þótti' is used here in the expression 'þótti vænt' which means to feel affection or appreciation towards something.

Mér þótti vænt um gjöfina.

I appreciated the gift.

Here, the word 'þótt' is a conjunction meaning 'although,' showing contrast between two clauses.

Þótt hann kæmi seint, bauð ég honum samt inn.

Although he arrived late, I still invited him in.