
This is the 261st most frequent Indonesian word.

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"Ditangkap" means "caught" or "arrested."

In this sentence, "ditangkap" is in passive voice, indicating that the subject (the thief) was acted upon by the police.

Pencuri itu ditangkap oleh polisi tadi malam.

That thief was caught by the police last night.

Here, "ditangkap" refers to the act of capturing an object, in this case, the fish, by a subject.

Setelah hampir seminggu, ikan besar itu akhirnya berhasil ditangkap.

After nearly a week, the big fish was finally caught.

"Ditangkap" in this example is part of a relative clause describing the traffic violator and indicates an earlier action taken upon them.

Pelaku pelanggaran lalu lintas yang ditangkap sedang diperiksa.

The traffic violator who was caught is under investigation.