
This is the 523rd most frequent Indonesian word.

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The Indonesian word "games" refers to "games" or "playable activities" in English, often involving entertainment or competition.

The word 'games' here refers to digital or computer-based games, such as video games or PC games.

Saya suka bermain berbagai jenis games di komputer.

I enjoy playing various kinds of games on the computer.

The word 'games' in this sentence denotes competitions or tournaments, typically in the context of esports or online gaming.

Kejuaraan games ini berlangsung setiap tahun.

This games championship takes place annually.

In this sentence, 'games' points to traditional or cultural games, which are activities or pastimes rooted in cultural traditions.

Games tradisional sering dimainkan saat perayaan budaya.

Traditional games are often played during cultural celebrations.