
This is the 631st most frequent Indonesian word.

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"Inflasi" in Indonesian means "inflation" in English, referring to the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises.

The word 'inflasi' here is used to refer to the economic phenomenon of inflation.

Inflasi dapat berdampak buruk pada ekonomi negara.

Inflation can adversely affect the country's economy.

In this sentence, 'inflasi' is discussed in terms of economic policy and management.

Pemerintah harus mengambil langkah untuk mengendalikan inflasi.

The government must take steps to control inflation.

Here, 'inflasi' is described as a cause for rapid price increases in the market.

Inflasi yang tinggi menyebabkan harga barang naik dengan cepat.

High inflation causes prices of goods to rise quickly.