This is the 117th most frequent Korean word.

The Korean word "당" can mean "party" (e.g., political party), "hall," or "sugar," depending on context.

Here, '당' is used to indicate 'per' or 'each', suggesting a unit-based distribution.

출석률이 높아서 학생당 추가 점수를 부여했습니다.

Due to high attendance rates, we awarded extra points per student.

In this sentence, '당' refers to a political 'party' or organization.

당에서 새로운 정책을 발표했습니다.

The party announced a new policy.

'고당' in this context combines '고' (high) and '당' (hall or building), forming a compound word for a tall or sophisticated structure or hall.

고당의 건축물은 역사적으로 중요한 유산입니다.

The high-towered building is an important historical heritage.