
This is the 873rd most frequent Korean word.

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"대화를" is the accusative form of "대화," which means "conversation."

In this sentence, "대화를" is used as the object of the verb "나누다" (to share or exchange), indicating the activity of conversation.

그는 대화를 나누는 데 능숙해요.

He is skilled at having conversations.

Here, "대화를" is the object of the preposition "통해" (through), emphasizing the medium of communication.

우리는 대화를 통해 서로를 이해하게 되었어요.

Through conversation, we came to understand each other.

"대화를" in this sentence functions as the object of the verb "이끌어나다" (to lead or guide), describing the action of managing or conducting a conversation.

선생님은 대화를 잘 이끌어나가요.

The teacher guides the conversation well.