
This is the 805th most frequent Korean word.

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"세우고" means "stopping" or "setting up," depending on context.

In this sentence, "세우고" signifies the act of establishing or formulating, derived from "세우다," here in the context of plans or strategies.

계획을 새로 세우고 다시 시작합시다.

Let's create a new plan and start again.

Here, "세우고" is used to describe setting up or positioning an object in an upright or specific orientation, from the verb "세우다."

그녀는 벽에 그림을 세우고 위치를 조정했다.

She set the picture against the wall and adjusted its position.

Here, the word "세우고" is used to mean "stop" or "bring to a halt," often referred to with vehicles or machines. It comes from the verb "세우다."

그는 차를 세우고 표지판을 확인했다.

He stopped the car and checked the sign.