
This is the 546th most frequent Korean word.

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"아베" is a transliteration of "Abe," often referring to Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan.

This usage refers to a person's name, specifically a notable figure.

아베는 일본의 전 총리입니다.

Abe is the former Prime Minister of Japan.

Here, "아베" is used as a surname referring to an individual respectfully.

저는 아베씨와 함께 일한 적이 있습니다.

I have worked with Mr. Abe before.

In this context, "아베" is used to refer to a notable individual's actions or proposals.

아베가 제안한 법안에 대해 논의가 많았습니다.

There was much discussion about the bill proposed by Abe.