
This is the 302nd most frequent Korean word.

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The Korean word "장관이" translates to "minister" or "secretary" (a government official) in English.

Here, '장관이' functions as a noun, meaning ‘magnificent sight’ or ‘spectacle’. The word is used to describe the mountain’s beauty.

그 산의 아름다움은 정말로 장관이었습니다.

The beauty of that mountain was truly magnificent.

In this sentence, '장관이' refers to a title or position, meaning ‘minister’. It indicates the role of the individual in the event.

그는 이번 행사를 성공적으로 주최한 장관이 되었습니다.

He became the minister who successfully organized this event.

In this example, '장관이' identifies the subject as 'minister' in a formal context, referring to a person holding a governmental position.

장관이 추천한 정책이 시민들에게서 긍정적인 반응을 얻고 있습니다.

The policy recommended by the minister is receiving positive responses from the citizens.