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The Korean word "ICBM" refers to an intercontinental ballistic missile.

This sentence provides a direct definition, using 'ICBM' as a terminology and explaining its meaning in an informational context.

ICBM은 대륙간 탄도 미사일을 의미합니다.

ICBM stands for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.

Here, 'ICBM' refers to the specific missile type being developed, indicating it as a central topic in an ongoing international issue.

각 국가들의 ICBM 개발 경쟁은 계속되고 있습니다.

The competition among countries to develop ICBMs continues.

In this context, 'ICBM' is used to denote the object of the researchers' experiments and innovations.

연구원들은 새로운 ICBM의 사거리를 시험 중입니다.

Researchers are testing the range of a new ICBM.