
This is the 689th most frequent Korean word.

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"것입니다" is a formal expression meaning "it is" or "it will be" depending on context.

Here, '것입니다' is used to formalize the statement, where '것' refers to 'thing' or 'item', and the particle '-입니다' attaches to it as a copula in a formal speech style.

이것은 제가 만든 것입니다.

This is something that I made.

'것입니다' is used to convey a future tense in a formal context, functioning as the complement of '-할,' which is the future form of the verb '하다' (to do/arrange).

그는 곧 도착할 것입니다.

He will arrive soon.

In this sentence, '것입니다' expresses a formal prediction of a future outcome or state, playing its usual role of 'thing is' with a formal intent.

우리가 노력한다면 가능한 일이 될 것입니다.

If we try, it will become a possible thing.