
This is the 391st most frequent Korean word.

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"공개한" means "disclosed" or "made public."

The word '공개한' here is used as a modifier to describe the action of 'unveiling', specifying the act of revealing the invention.

그는 새로운 발명을 공개한 후 큰 호응을 얻었다.

He gained great acclaim after unveiling his new invention.

'공개한' is used here to identify the act of making the location public to people.

회사는 최근 본사의 위치를 대중에게 공개한 것을 발표했다.

The company recently announced that it had revealed the location of its headquarters to the public.

In this sentence, '공개한' indicates the act of revealing or showing the novel during the event.

작가는 신작 소설을 공개한 자리에서 자신의 견해를 밝혔다.

The author expressed his views at the event where he unveiled his new novel.