
This is the 393rd most frequent Korean word.

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Ministry of National Defense.

Used as a noun referring to the government body responsible for military affairs.

국방부는 국가의 방위를 책임지는 기관입니다.

The Ministry of National Defense is the organization responsible for the nation's defense.

Used as a noun representing the origin of an announcement or policy.

국방부에서 발표한 새로운 정책이 오늘 뉴스를 통해 알려졌습니다.

The new policy announced by the Ministry of National Defense was reported on the news today.

Used as a noun referring to an institution or organization one may apply to.

저는 국방부에 지원하여 국가의 안보에 기여하고 싶습니다.

I want to apply to the Ministry of National Defense and contribute to national security.