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"근거로" means "as a basis" or "based on."

In this sentence, '근거로' means 'based on' or 'with as grounds', indicating that statistical data was used as the foundation for drafting the bill.

이 법안은 통계 자료를 근거로 작성되었습니다.

This bill was drafted based on statistical data.

Here, '근거로' functions to show that the opinions presented are grounded in personal experience.

그는 자신의 경험을 근거로 의견을 제시했습니다.

He presented his opinion based on his experience.

'근거로' in this context highlights that the basis for the review was newly obtained research findings.

제안된 계획은 새로운 연구를 근거로 검토되었습니다.

The proposed plan was reviewed based on new research.