
This is the 394th most frequent Korean word.

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"글을" is the accusative form of "글," meaning "writing" or "text."

Here, '글을' is the object of the verb '쓰다', meaning to write sentences or texts.

그는 글을 쓰는 것을 좋아합니다.

He enjoys writing.

In this sentence, '글을' refers to someone's written work, serving as the object of the verb '읽다', meaning to read.

저는 그의 글을 읽고 감동받았어요.

I was touched after reading his writing.

'글을' in this context is used to refer abstractly to the act of writing, being the object of the discussion verb '토론하다', meaning to discuss.

우리는 글을 왜 쓰는지에 대해 토론했어요.

We debated why we write.