
This is the 529th most frequent Korean word.

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"Base interest rate" or "benchmark interest rate."

기준금리 is used in the context of financial policies to refer to the interest rate set by the central bank.

한국은행은 최근 기준금리를 0.25% 인하했습니다.

The Bank of Korea recently lowered the base interest rate by 0.25%.

Here, 기준금리 is used to denote an economic parameter affecting other financial instruments.

기준금리 인상이 소비자 대출 이자율에 영향을 미쳤습니다.

The base interest rate increase affected consumer loan interest rates.

In this sentence, 기준금리 is mentioned in the context of its relation to economic policies and stability.

전문가들은 기준금리 동결이 경제 안정에 도움이 될 것이라고 예측합니다.

Experts predict that freezing the base interest rate will contribute to economic stability.