
This is the 1291st most frequent Korean word.

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The Korean word "기준금리를" refers to the "base interest rate" or "benchmark interest rate."

'기준금리' refers to the benchmark interest rate, playing a central role in determining national financial trends in this sentence.

중앙은행은 기준금리를 다시 인하하기로 결정했어요.

The central bank decided to lower the benchmark interest rate again.

Here, '기준금리' is analyzed academically for its impact on economic factors.

경제학 수업에서 기준금리가 경제에 미치는 영향을 토론했습니다.

In the economics class, we discussed the impact of the benchmark interest rate on the economy.

The term '기준금리' is depicted as a determinant in financial transactions among banks.

은행 간 대출이 기준금리에 따라 변동됩니다.

Interbank loans fluctuate depending on the benchmark interest rate.