
This is the 350th most frequent Korean word.

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"Exceeding" or "going over."

Here, "넘는" is derived from the verb "넘다, to go over," and describes parts of the river that are excessively deep and wide to be traversed.

그 강은 우리가 건너기에는 너무 깊고 넓게 넘는 곳이 많다.

The river has too many deep and wide parts for us to cross.

In this case, "넘는" refers to exceeding or surpassing a value (here, age over fifty).

그의 나이는 이미 오십을 넘는 중년입니다.

His age has already exceeded fifty, and he is middle-aged.

Here, "넘는" is used to describe the action or state of crossing over the mountain pass.

그 산의 고개를 넘는 길은 매우 험합니다.

The path crossing the mountain pass is very rough.