
This is the 314th most frequent Korean word.

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대변인은 refers to the spokesperson, indicating the person speaking on behalf in an official manner.

대변인은 기자 회견 중에 중요한 발표를 했습니다.

The spokesperson made an important announcement during the press conference.

대변인은 is used here to specifically refer to the role of the representative person.

이 문제에 대해 대변인은 입장을 밝히지 않았습니다.

The spokesperson did not disclose a position on this issue.

대변인은 points to the official spokesperson, designated by the government, referencing their duties.

정부 대변인은 시민들에게 정보를 제공하는 역할을 합니다.

The government spokesperson serves the role of providing information to the citizens.