
This is the 534th most frequent Korean word.

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"대통령을" is the object form of "president" in Korean, used in a sentence.

The word '대통령을' is used as the object of the verb '존경합니다' (to respect), indicating the president whom I respect.

나는 대통령을 존경합니다.

I respect the president.

Here, '대통령을' is the object of the verb '초대했습니다' (to invite), specifying the president as the one who was invited.

학생들은 대통령을 초대했습니다.

The students invited the president.

In this sentence, '대통령을' again functions as the object of the verb '만난' (met), indicating the president is the one she has met.

그녀는 대통령을 만난 적이 있습니다.

She has met the president before.