
This is the 195th most frequent Korean word.

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"마지막" means "last" or "final."

Here, '마지막' is used as an adjective to denote the final or last item in a sequence, in this case, the last question of the exam.

그는 시험의 마지막 문제를 풀고 있습니다.

He is solving the last question of the exam.

In this context, '마지막' describes the terminal point or stop of a bus route, indicating the end of a sequence of stops.

이 버스는 이 노선의 마지막 정류소까지 갑니다.

This bus goes to the last stop of this route.

Here, '마지막' is used as a noun to refer to the final part or end of the trip, showing the conclusion or terminal point of a duration.

우리의 여행은 마지막에 재미있는 활동으로 끝났습니다.

Our trip ended with an enjoyable activity at the last part.