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"민주당" translates to "Democratic Party" in English.

In this sentence, '민주당' refers to the political party known as the Democratic Party, serving as the subject of the statement.

민주당은 현재 한국에서 주요 정치 세력 중 하나입니다.

The Democratic Party is currently one of the major political forces in South Korea.

Here, '민주당' is used to refer to the party proposing the policies, indicating its role within the topic of discussion.

나는 민주당이 제시한 공약들에 대해 관심이 있다.

I am interested in the policies proposed by the Democratic Party.

In this context, '민주당' is mentioned as an entity participating in an electoral process, highlighting its involvement in democratic events.

지난 선거에서 민주당은 예상보다 많은 표를 얻었다.

In the last election, the Democratic Party received more votes than expected.