
This is the 794th most frequent Korean word.

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"Of the Democratic Party"

Here, '민주당의' ('of the Democratic Party') indicates that the changes are associated with or pertain to the Democratic Party.

우리는 최근 민주당의 변화를 주목하고 있습니다.

We are observing the recent changes of the Democratic Party.

'민주당의' ('of the Democratic Party') describes a relationship showing that the leaders are part of or represent the Democratic Party.

민주당의 리더들은 이번 선거에서 중요한 역할을 할 것입니다.

The Democratic Party's leaders will play a crucial role in this election.

In this sentence, '민주당의' ('of the Democratic Party') is used as a possessive marker to indicate that the policies belong to the Democratic Party.

민주당의 정책은 환경 보호를 우선합니다.

The Democratic Party's policies prioritize environmental protection.