
This is the 799th most frequent Korean word.

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"분들이" means "people" or "persons" (honorific plural).

In this sentence, '분들이' refers to polite 'people' (individuals), especially in a respectful context when discussing people's actions or presence.

많은 분들이 이 공연을 감상하러 오셨습니다.

Many people came to enjoy this performance.

Here, '분들이' is used to respectfully refer to 'individuals' present in the vicinity, honoring their connection to the subject.

여기 계신 분들이 저희 학교의 졸업생입니다.

The people here are graduates of our school.

This usage of '분들이' reflects speaking about particular people (whose identity has been previously provided) in a respectful manner.

그분들이 직접 만든 음식을 먹었습니다.

I ate the food that they personally prepared.