
This is the 584th most frequent Korean word.

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"선수들이" means "the players" or "the athletes" (plural subject form).

Here, '선수들이' refers to the specific players of 'our team', emphasizing their active participation.

우리 팀의 선수들이 오늘 경기에 나섭니다.

The players of our team are participating in the game today.

In this sentence, '선수들이' represents soccer players engaging in their training activities.

축구 선수들이 새 공원에서 훈련을 시작했습니다.

The soccer players have begun training at the new park.

The term '선수들이' here encompasses all the participants of the competition, highlighting their achievements.

대회에 참가한 모든 선수들이 훌륭한 성적을 거두었다.

All the players who participated in the competition achieved excellent results.