
This is the 1376th most frequent Korean word.

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"Of small business owners."

Here, '소상공인의' highlights the critical role (역할) that 소상공인 (small business owners) have in affecting the local economy, describing their importance.

지역 경제를 살리려면 소상공인의 역할이 중요합니다.

The role of small business owners is crucial to revive the local economy.

In this example, '소상공인의' specifies the origin ('목소리', voices) of small business owners, indicating the community it pertains to.

많은 소상공인의 목소리가 정책에 반영되길 바랍니다.

I hope the voices of many small business owners are reflected in the policies.

In this sentence, '소상공인의' acts as a possessive form, referring to issues ('어려움을') related to 소상공인 (small business owners), demonstrating ownership.

소상공인의 어려움을 해결하기 위해 정부가 지원을 발표했습니다.

The government announced support to address the difficulties of small business owners.