
This is the 900th most frequent Korean word.

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"수사권" means "investigative authority" or "the right to investigate."

Here, '수사권' is used in the context of 'abusing investigative authority,' indicating that this power should be exercised responsibly and within legal boundaries.

수사권을 남용하는 것은 공정한 법 집행에 해를 끼칠 수 있습니다.

Abusing the investigative authority can harm fair law enforcement.

In this example, '수사권' is discussed in terms of its scope being expanded, highlighting legislative influence over the powers of investigation.

새로운 법안이 수사권의 범위를 확대할 것입니다.

The new legislation will expand the scope of investigative authority.

In this sentence, '수사권' means the 'authority or power to conduct investigations,' referring to the rights granted to law enforcement like the police to investigate crimes.

경찰은 수사권을 사용하여 사건을 조사합니다.

The police use investigative authority to examine the case.