
This is the 812th most frequent Korean word.

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"언급하며" means "mentioning" or "referring to."

In this sentence, "언급하며" is used to indicate the act of mentioning important points during the process of discussing his experiences. It functions to link the action of mentioning to the broader context of his speech.

그는 자신의 경험에 대해 이야기하며 중요한 점을 언급하며 발표를 마쳤습니다.

He finished his presentation by mentioning important points while discussing his experiences.

Here, "언급하며" connects the act of mentioning characteristics to the subsequent presentation of examples. It serves to show the logical flow of the content in the text.

책에서는 성공적인 관리자의 특징을 여러 가지로 언급하며 다양한 사례를 제시합니다.

The book highlights several characteristics of successful managers while providing various examples.

In this context, "언급하며" describes her action of mentioning reasons with the aim of seeking understanding. It establishes a cause-and-effect relationship in communication.

그녀는 언론 인터뷰에서 이번 결정의 이유를 언급하며 이해를 구했습니다.

She sought understanding in a media interview by mentioning the reasons for the recent decision.