
This is the 234th most frequent Korean word.

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"Still" or "as ever."

여전히 is used here to express that an action (reading the book) is continuing to take place.

그는 여전히 그 책을 읽고 있다.

He is still reading the book.

여전히 is used here to convey that despite circumstances, the state of not giving up remains unchanged.

비록 여러 번의 실패가 있었지만, 그녀는 여전히 포기하지 않았다.

Despite several failures, she still did not give up.

여전히 is used here to describe that the condition of being beautiful and peaceful has not changed over time.

그곳은 여전히 예쁘고 평화롭다.

That place is still beautiful and peaceful.