
This is the 828th most frequent Korean word.

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"Procedure" or "process."

In this sentence, '절차를' refers to the set of steps or processes that one must adhere to. It is in the accusative case, indicating the object of the action.

모든 절차를 정확히 따라야 합니다.

You must follow all the procedures accurately.

Here, '절차를' indicates a specific procedure that has been implemented by the company, functioning as the direct object of the verb '도입했습니다' (introduced).

그 회사는 새로운 절차를 도입했습니다.

The company introduced a new procedure.

In this sentence, '절차를' refers to the necessary procedures for completing a task, again in an object position highlighting what needs to be explained.

업무를 처리하기 위해 필요한 절차를 설명해 주세요.

Please explain the procedures necessary to handle the task.