
This is the 831st most frequent Korean word.

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"정책에" means "to/into/on the policy" in English.

Here, '정책에' (jeongchaeg-e) refers to 'for the policy,' indicating the necessity of discussion pertaining to it.

그 정책에는 많은 논의가 필요합니다.

Much discussion is needed for that policy.

Here, '정책에' (jeongchaeg-e) indicates agreement 'with policies' that have a specific focus.

우리는 환경 보호에 초점을 맞춘 정책에 동의합니다.

We agree with policies that focus on environmental protection.

Here, '정책에 대해' (jeongchaeg-e daehae) means 'about the policy,' showing an announcement concerning it.

정부는 새로운 정책에 대해 발표했습니다.

The government announced about the new policy.