
This is the 20th most frequent Korean word.

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"지난해" means "last year" in English.

The word '지난해' is used here to indicate the specific time period of the previous year.

지난해에는 눈이 많이 내렸습니다.

Last year, there was a lot of snow.

In this sentence, '지난해' serves to set the time context for when the action of receiving the gift occurred.

지난해에 받은 선물을 아직도 잘 간직하고 있어요.

I still keep the gift I received last year well.

Here, '지난해' is used as a reference point in time from which the action of starting continued.

지난해부터 새로운 취미를 시작했어요.

I started a new hobby since last year.